We’re gearing up for the 2020 Festival!
Running from Monday, March 9th through to the Final Concert on the Saturday evening, we’re planning all of the usual elements of the Skipton Music Festival, along with some new classes – and a few tweaks to others!
We are returning to Christ Church this year. We were warmly welcomed last year and we heard a number of complimentary comments about the friendliness of the venue.
We’ll be expanding the new Early Years experience for young ones and the bellringers will be getting new classes for themselves. You’ll have to wait for the publication of the Syllabus in September to discover this year’s themes and special composers!
Along with our new website, we are also branching out into a brand new booking system. We have discarded the old home-written system that has served us for the past few years and we’re going to use RunMyFesival, which will be familiar to several of you who enter other Festivals in our region. We hope that this will be far more robust and compliant with the various data protection and safeguarding requirements of running a Festival such as ours. The new site will also provide the much-demanded online payment facilities that we have lacked!
Our timetable:
16th September
The Syllabus should be ready. It will be available, both in printed form and as a downloadable .pdf document.
30th December
All trophies from the 2019 Festival shold have been returned by now. The Trophy Secretary is Lucy Goodfellow and her contact details are on the Trophy Receipt that you signed when the trophy was awarded.
Remember to get it engraved (if appropriate) well before that date!
13th January
All paper-based entries must be in by now. These will need to be entered onto the system by a Festival volunteer before…
20th January
The final date for on-line entries. At this stage, we can start to work out the programming for the Festival. We need to create and print all of the paperwork and the accompanist needs to collect all of the music that he’ll be playing.
9th March
Hopefully, everything will be in place! We look forward to a great Festival!