
To be a Friend

In a world where music appears to be sidelined, where schools struggle to provide more than the statutory curriculum and where Festivals like ours are struggling to survive, we need all of the Friends that we can get!

We become a Friend, largely to show – and to give – support for the aims and ideals of the Skipton Music Festival; to give the opportunity for (mainly) our young musicians to perform in a friendly and supportive environment.  That’s what we are all here for; that’s what the hard-working Committee spend hours to provide – ant that is why your support is so vital!

A Friend pays a minimum of £25.00 each year.  Their name is recorded (if they wish) in the Festival Programme and they are issued with a complimentary ticket to all of the sessions during Festival Week (including the final concert).

But, perhaps, the greatest “perk” is that of knowing that you are playing a part in helping a century-old organisation to continue encouraging and supporting live music in this part of Yorkshire.

To become a Friend, download a simple membership form here.
Either send it (with a cheque) to the address on the form, or email with all of the details we need (we can’t proceed without your permission to store your address details!) and send payment by BACS.
The details are all on the form…