Sponsors and Advertisers

The fees charged for each entry don’t cover the cost of putting on a class!
As an example, a solo organ entry raises £7.00 – but it costs us £50.00 to use the organ!)

In order to provide a wide range of classes, supporting all sorts of disciplines, we rely heavily on our sponsors and advertisers as well as our faithful band of “Friends”


Our sponsors include some generous bodies who, over the years, have contributed enormously to the success (even, perhaps, the very survival!) of the Festival.  Sponsors generally give £200 (though some give far more!) and, as a “thank you”, we include an advert in the programme, an acknowledgment at the head of their session, a display board on stage – and a “thank you”, both in the programme and in the entrance foyer.

Some individuals ask for no publicity – we’re hugely grateful to them but, of course, their identities are kept unrevealed


Advertising space in the programme is a popular option for some.  At just £75.00 for a whole page and £50 for a half-page advert, this will bring your organisation’s name to a wide variety of folk, many of whom preserve their programmes for several years!

We can offer a full design service but will normally accept artwork in any “standard” format, whether that is as a .jpg (or other) image, a vector or a good quality .pdf.

To initiate a discussion about these options, please contact us at admin@skiptonmusicfestival.co.uk