The photography process

Our excellent photographer Wendy has developed what we hope will be a more accessible system for dealing with photographs at the Festival.

Our policy is straightforward and simple.  Only the official photographer is allowed to record any performance.   There are many reasons: safeguarding young and vulnerable people is one; another is to preserve the profeesional integrity of any accompanist or other official.

Every entrant is asked to include their permission or refusal to take photos.
Unless that permission is granted, photos are not taken.  This permission, however, is for use of images for internal use only.  We use them for publicity and display – or to send to sponsors and grant-giving bodies.  We do not release the images to anybody else!

If you want to take advantage of the photos that are taken, you will be offered an additional permission sheet.  As a parent or guardian, you can request copies of images of your child.  (For practical and administrative reasons, we’ll ask you for a separate form for each day’s classes.)  Complete it and hand the form to the photographer.  We’ll do our best to get the images to you as soon as reasonable.

If the image is of a group of children (duets, trios, ensembles, choirs etc), further arrangements will be needed.  Such an image may go to a school or a teacher who will determine whether the image can be shared.  In the case of duets or trios, all performers must have the appropriate permission before we send images to any one of the group.

Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that a photographer will be present at a session.  Even if s/he is there, there is no guarantee that any photo will be taken.

If you have missed getting a form and you think that photo(s) were taken, then contact us below and we’ll see what we can sort out for you.