Photography Policy

At the Skipton Music Festival, we engage a professional photographer to capture images.  As a required element of entering any class in the Festival, all performers are asked to grant or refuse permission to be photographed.

  • No photograph or recording of any kind may be taken by anyone other than an official photographer who will be identified with a named badge
  • No individual or group will be photographed unless permission has been granted (normally on the entry form).
  • No group will be photographed if a performer with no permission is identified
    as being a part of that group.
  • Permission to be photographed may be withdrawn at any time.
  • Permission to take photographs does not imply that photos will be taken.
    There is no guarantee that a photographer will be on duty for any particular class
  • Permission to photograph is assumed to include permission for the Skipton Music Festival to use images for promotion, publicity, grant applications and similar.
  • No image will be released to any third party without the express permission of a child’s legal guardian.
  • The Festival will assume that permission to photograph granted in an application through a teacher has been confirmed by the parent/guardian of any performer under the age of 18.

If the Festival Photographer is present, s/he may offer you opportunity to obtain copies of images on completion of a separate permission form.

See here for an explanation of the system.