Frequently Asked Questions

We’re thrilled to see entries for the March Festival arriving!  We’re also getting a few queries by phone and email.  If you have a problem, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

There’s a fairly full description of the booking process here
– but these are a few of the things that we’re getting asked:

I can’t log in (or find) the online entry site.

Any login information you used last year will not work!  We are using a new system called “Play and Perform”.  It’s a lot easier to administer – and the P&P people are brilliant at responding to our queries.  Your old RunMyFestival log in details are no longer relevant and you need to create a new account with Play and Perform.
Log in and register here: Play and Perform Booking Site

My entries seem to have disappeared.

As you create your entries, they collect in your basket.  When you complete that basket, you are given the option to pay, those entries are moved from the basket into “pending” till that payment is confirmed.   When you pay by BACS or cheque, that does not happen till we receive, either the cheque or a notification from you that you have paid online.  It’s not an entry yet – but there’s nothing more for you to do except to let us know you’ve paid.

A note about the basket.  It is a lot more work for us if you enter multiple entries with different baskets.  Try to gather them all into one basket and deal ith them all at once!

There’s nowhere to book the official accompanist.

There is now!  This was an omission on my part as we set up the syllabus.  It’s in place now and if you want to add that request to your entry, please log in again.  Select “View My Entries” and then click on the pencil on the left.   You need to select Yes or No to the question about the accompanist.

There are several classes for whom an accompanist is irrelevant (piano classes and folk songs come to mind).  You should not be asked the question for these but if you are, please just say “no”.  If you can point out my error by email, so much the better!

Just a few days to the online deadline!  Get your entries in as soon as you can!

(The paper copy deadline has PASSED!)

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